This weeks Restocked Items 6/4/21

This weeks Restocked Items 6/4/21

Posted by Ranger Rick on 4th Jun 2021

Things are slowly arriving here at Hessen Antique.  This week we received a shipment of WWII German Uniforms.  Here's what came in:

Off-White Drillich Jacket

DAK M40 Jacket

SS 44 Dot Jacket

LW M40 Fliegerbluse

SS M32 Black Wool Greatcoat

SS M32 Black Wool Jacket

SS M32 Black Wool NCO Jacket

DAK Tropical Shorts

SS 440 Dot Trousers

LW Tropical Trousers

SS Brown Service Shirts

We've also restocked some WWI German Leather Holsters:

WWI C96 Mauser Pistol Holster With Shoulder Strap

WWI Uhlan Cavalry Holster

Luger Take-Down Tools


Hessen Antique does not support or represent any organization that promotes hatred or racism. Hessen Antique is a company that offers antiques, historic items and World War II Militaria.

We are not affiliated with/or embrace the philosophies of any radical, political, or racist organizations. These items are sold for collectors, re-enactors, historical organizations and theatrical purposes only.