Product Description

The MG 34 (Maschinengewehr 34) is a German recoil-reloading and air-cooled machine gun, introduced in 1934. It is considered the world's first general-purpose machine gun (light, bipod-equipped and heavy, tripod-equipped). It is capable of sustaining a high volume of fire, without sacrificing movement speed, or tactical flexibility. The MG 34 could use either 50- or 75-round tape drums as well as 50- or 250-round ammunition tapes. The ammunition it fired was 7.92 x 57 Mauser caliber and had an effective range of 1200 m with a bipod and 3000-3500 m with a tripod. It had a rate of fire of 800-900 rounds per minute, much higher than the British Bren or American Browning machine guns, which had a rate of fire of about 500 or 600 rounds per minute.
The German Army had managed to manufacture a multipurpose machine gun, and with which their divisions, both armored and infantry, were equipped. Even the German air force used a version of the same model, albeit modified for use in aircraft. Only about 350,000 units were manufactured due to their high cost due to their laborious and careful manufacturing.