Presidents Day!  Save 15% with Coupon code: HAPDW25

Minimum Order $100.00, can't be combined with other discounts

About Us


Thank you for viewing our new website! Hessen Antique is a small family owned business located in metro Atlanta offering original militaria and museum quality reproduction uniforms and headgear for collectors and reenactors. We've been buying and selling militaria and antiques together for over 30 years and on the Internet since 2002.

We also provide costume and military technical support to film and theater productions. We offer both costume rentals and sales to film and theater productions. We carry a full line of authentic uniforms, headgear and equipment. Our hats are made in Germany and Poland are the most authentic and high quality caps available. We are also the distributors of high quality reproduction uniforms. These are most authentic reproduction uniforms produced anywhere in the world today and the best priced on the market for their exceptional high quality.

It's our goal to provide original and authentic reproduction militaria at reasonable prices and with world-class service. Please have a look at our products and feel free to Email us with any questions about our products or services at:
Iris and Rick
Army Retirement Ceremony, 2007
Internet and Phone Sales only. 
Our office and distribution warehouses are located in Marietta, Georgia, USA. 
Sorry, we do not have a show room and cannot service customers at our office. 
If you want to pick up an order, please schedule with our sales team. 

To order call toll-free: (877) 505-7795 or e-mail us at

our address:
Hessen Antique Inc.
189 Cobb Parkway, N
Marietta, GA 30062

私たちHESSEN ANTIQUE社では日本のお客様に特別なサービスが提供出来ます事を嬉しく思います。
Sam’s Militariyaにおきまして当社製品が注文出来る事となりました。 当社もしくはSam’sに直接注文する事により高価な海外送料、通関税、他雑費等で発生する経費を大幅に節約することが出来ます。 

HESSEN ANTIQUEのお客様たちに感謝いたします
flag-of-taiwan.jpg 親愛的台灣客戶,


詳細訊息請聯繫"QRF Magazine/軍物特搜"洽詢,感謝您成為黑森古董的客戶!

flag-of-france.jpg Cher amis européens, 
Nous sommes extrêmement heureux d’offrir un service spécial à nos grands clients européens. Vous pouvez désormais commander tous nos produits directement auprès de notre partenaire européen "Quartermaster Inspector" en Belgique. Vous pouvez passer votre commande auprès de QMI et économiser sur les frais d'expédition onéreux à l'étranger. Veuillez contacter QMI pour plus de détails sur ce nouveau programme passionnant! Merci d’être client de Hessen Antique!
flag-of-netherlands.jpg Beste Europese vrienden, 
We zijn zeer verheugd een speciale service aan onze grote Europese klanten aan te bieden. Nu kunt u al onze producten rechtstreeks bestellen bij onze Europese partner "Quartermaster Inspector" in België. U kunt uw bestelling plaatsen bij QMI en besparen op dure overzeese verzendkosten. Neem contact op met QMI voor meer informatie over dit opwindende nieuwe programma! Bedankt dat je een klant bent van Hessen Antique!

flag-of-italy.jpg amici europei,
Siamo estremamente lieti di offrire un servizio speciale ai nostri fantastici clienti europei. Ora puoi ordinare tutti i nostri prodotti direttamente dal nostro partner europeo "Quartermaster Inspector" in Belgio. Puoi effettuare l'ordine con QMI e risparmiare sui costosi costi di spedizione all'estero Contatta QMI per i dettagli su questo nuovo entusiasmante programma! Grazie per essere un cliente Hessen Antique!

flag-of-germany.jpg Liebe europäische Freunde
Wir freuen uns sehr, unseren großen europäischen Kunden einen besonderen Service anbieten zu können. Jetzt können Sie alle unsere Produkte direkt bei unserem europäischen Partner "Quartermaster Inspector" in Belgien bestellen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie QMI für Details zu diesem aufregenden neuen Programm! Vielen Dank, dass Sie ein Kunde von Hessen Antique sind!

flag-of-spain.jpgQueridos amigos europeos:
Estamos muy contentos de ofrecer un servicio especial a nuestros grandes clientes europeos. Ahora, puede pedir todos nuestros productos directamente a nuestro socio europeo "Quartermaster Inspector" en Bélgica. ¡Comuníquese con QMI para obtener detalles sobre este emocionante programa nuevo! ¡Gracias por ser cliente de Hessen Antique!

flag-of-united-kingdom.jpg Dear European Friends,
We are extremely pleased to offer a special service to our great European customers. Now, you can order all of our products directly from our European Partner "Quartermaster Inspector" in Belgium. You can place your order with QMI and save on expensive overseas shipping costs. Please contact QMI for details on this exciting new program! Thank you for being a Hessen Antique customer!


Hessen Antique does not support or represent any organization that promotes hatred or racism. Hessen Antique is a company that offers antiques, historic items and World War II Militaria.

We are not affiliated with/or embrace the philosophies of any radical, political, or racist organizations. These items are sold for collectors, re-enactors, historical organizations and theatrical purposes only.