This week's restocked items - 11/25/2023

This week's restocked items - 11/25/2023

Posted by Ranger Rick on 27th Nov 2023

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!  We received a big shipment of uniforms and helmets just before we took off for Thanksgiving.  Here's what came in:

M42 Late-War Wool Jacket

M43 Late War Wool Jacket

SS M43 Late-war Wool Jacket

M44 Late-war Wool Jacket

M43 Late-war Wool Trousers

M44 Late-war Wool Trousers

SS M32 Officer Gabardine Greatcoat

LW Officer Gabardine Greatcoat

Reproduction M35 Helmet

Reproduction M40 Helmet

We've been getting these up and listed on the website. More stuff arriving so please check the website often for updates!


Hessen Antique does not support or represent any organization that promotes hatred or racism. Hessen Antique is a company that offers antiques, historic items and World War II Militaria.

We are not affiliated with/or embrace the philosophies of any radical, political, or racist organizations. These items are sold for collectors, re-enactors, historical organizations and theatrical purposes only.