This week's restocked items - 9/18/2023

This week's restocked items - 9/18/2023

Posted by Ranger Rick on 19th Sep 2023

Large shipment of WWI and WWII German uniforms arrived this week.  Here's what came in:

Model 1907/10 Uhlan Ulanka w/Red Piping

Model 1907 Pioneer Feldrock

Model 1907/10 Feldrock

M1907 Drill HBT Jacket

Prussian M15 Feldbluse

Model 07/10 Officer's Uhlan Ulanka w/Red Piping

Model 1915 Greatcoat

Model 1907/14 Stone-grey Wool Piped Trousers

Model 1907/10 Field-grey Wool Piped Trousers

Model 1910/14/15 Field-grey Wool Trousers

M1910 Stone-grey Gabardine Breeches

Service Shirt

Luftwaffe Service Shirt

LW Tropical Service Shirt

DAK Service Shirt

SS Brown Service Shirt

Knit Service Shirt (with Pockets)

Knit Service Shirt (w/o pockets)

Fallschirmjäger Jump Smock, Splinter B Camo

SS 44 Pea Dot Camo Field Cap

SS Oak-A Camo Field Cap

LW Tropical Field cap

M41Tropical Field Cap With Insignia

LW Tropical Shorts

LW Tropical Service Tie

DAK Tropical Service Tie

German Service Tie

SS-Overprinted Plane Tree Camo Helmet Cover

SS-Oak A Camo Helmet Covers

Fallschirmjaeger Splinter B Camo Helmet Cover

We also have a large shipment of WWII German Wool Uniforms and Caps that are stuck in customs so hopefully they will be here soon.  Next week expect a huge shipment of German Leather boots from Spain.  Please check out the website for updates.


Hessen Antique does not support or represent any organization that promotes hatred or racism. Hessen Antique is a company that offers antiques, historic items and World War II Militaria.

We are not affiliated with/or embrace the philosophies of any radical, political, or racist organizations. These items are sold for collectors, re-enactors, historical organizations and theatrical purposes only.