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Assault Badges

Assault Badges
(Sturmabzeichen u. Kampfabzeichen)
  • The Tank Battle - Bronze (Panzerkampfabzeichen) from Hessen Antique The Tank Battle - Bronze (Panzerkampfabzeichen) from Hessen Antique

    Tank Battle Badge - Bronze

    The Tank Battle in Bronze (Panzerkampfabzeichen) was institued in 1940 and awarded to tank members of Panzer Grenadier regiments and armored car crews. This quality replica is the finest quality, die struck construction featuring superb detail, maker...

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  • Tank Battle Badge - Silver The Tank Battle - Silver (Panzerkampfabzeichen) from Hessen Antique

    Tank Battle Badge - Silver

    The Tank Battle in Silver (Panzerkampfabzeichen) was institued in 1939 and awarded to tank commanders, gunners, drivers and radio operator who took part in at least three armored assaults. This quality replica is the finest quality, die struck...

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  • Infantry Assault Badge - Silver (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen) from Hessen Antique Infantry Assault Badge - Silver (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen) from Hessen Antique

    Infantry Assault Badge - Bronze

    The Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen) was instituted in 1940 to recognize combat participation by members of Motorized Infantry units. Criteria for the award specified that the Soldier take part in at least three infantry...

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  • Infantry Assault Badge - Silver (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen) from Hessen Antique Infantry Assault Badge - Silver (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen) from Hessen Antique

    Infantry Assault Badge - Silver

    The Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen) was instituted in 1939 to recognize combat participation by members of Infantry units. Criteria for the award specified that the Soldier take part in at least three infantry assaults. This...

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  • Army Flak Badge

    Army Flak Badge

    The Army Flak Badge (Heeres-FLAK Abzeichen) was institued in 1941 and awarded to Soldiers who belonged to Anti-Aircraft units. These badges are the finest quality, die struck pieces featuring superb detail, original quality pins and maker's marks.

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  • Anti-Partisan Badge - Bronze from Hessen Antique Anti-Partisan Badge - Bronze from Hessen Antique

    Anti-Partisan Badge - Bronze

    The Anti-partisan war badge (Bandenkampfabzeichen) was awarded to personnel involved in combating partisan (bandit) elements behind the front lines. Issued in three grades of bronze, silver and gold. Bronze grade was awarded for twenty days of...

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  • Anti-Partisan Badge - Silver from Hessen Antique Anti-Partisan Badge - Silver from Hessen Antique

    Anti-Partisan Badge - Silver

    The Anti-partisan war badge (Bandenkampfabzeichen) was awarded to personnel involved in combating partisan (bandit) elements behind the front lines. Issued in three grades of bronze, silver and gold. Bronze grade was awarded for twenty days of...

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  • Anti-Partisan Badge - Gold from Hessen Antique Anti-Partisan Badge - Gold from Hessen Antique

    Anti-Partisan Badge - Gold

    The Anti-partisan war badge (Bandenkampfabzeichen) was awarded to personnel involved in combating partisan (bandit) elements behind the front lines. Issued in three grades of bronze, silver and gold. Bronze grade was awarded for twenty days of...

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We are not affiliated with/or embrace the philosophies of any radical, political, or racist organizations. These items are sold for collectors, re-enactors, historical organizations and theatrical purposes only.