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WWI German Awards

Luftwaffe Badges (Abzeichen der Luftwaffe)
  • GIBRALTAR Cufftitle from Hessen Antique

    GIBRALTAR Cuff Title

    In 1901 the GIBRALTAR cuff title was authorized by Kaiser Wilhelm II to be worn by all ranks serving in the Füsilier Regt General Feldmarschall Prinz Albrecht von Preußen (Hannoversches) Nr. 73, Inf. - Regt. Von Voigts - Rhetz (3. Hannoversches) Nr.79,...

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  • Prussian Marksmanship Lanyard from Hessen Antique Prussian Marksmanship Lanyard from Hessen Antique

    Prussian Marksmanship Lanyard

    WWI Marksmen’s lanyards (Schützenschnur). The lanyards were awarded to qualifying Soldaten were accompanied with an award certificate. The lanyards were worn suspended from under the right shoulder strap and attached to the second top front closure...

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We are not affiliated with/or embrace the philosophies of any radical, political, or racist organizations. These items are sold for collectors, re-enactors, historical organizations and theatrical purposes only.