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Cuff Titles

Luftwaffe (Air Force) Cuff Titles
  • LW AFRIKA Cuff Title from Hessen Antique LW AFRIKA Cuff Title from Hessen Antique

    LW AFRIKA Cuff Title

    The AFRIKA cuff tile was institued in on 15 January 1943 as a replacement for the AFRIKAKORPS cuff title. This was intended as a campaign honor, making the cuff title the equivalent of a campaign medal. The AFRIKA cuff title was awarded for at least...

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  • Kreta Cuff Title from Hessen Antique

    Kreta Cuff Title

    The Kreta cuff tile was institued in on 16 October 1942. This was intended as a campaign honor, making the cuff title the equivalent of a campaign medal. The Kreta cuff title was awarded to personnel of the Army, Navy and Air Force who: (a) made a...

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