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Cans, Straps, Towels

Whether you are looking for sturdy camping supplies or you are building a survival kit to be there when you need it, our collection of German Army surplus and items from militaries across the world will provide you with the quality you need. We have a collection of surplus ammo can that will keep your ammo safe and dry, even in the worst circumstances. Our selection of military straps won’t let you or your things down, and the military-issue towels we sell are lightweight and highly effective so you can take them anywhere. Browse our selection today and find the supplies you need!

Hessen Antique does not support or represent any organization that promotes hatred or racism. Hessen Antique is a company that offers antiques, historic items and World War II Militaria.

We are not affiliated with/or embrace the philosophies of any radical, political, or racist organizations. These items are sold for collectors, re-enactors, historical organizations and theatrical purposes only.