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Physical Fitness, PT Wear

Current issue military Physical Fitness, PT Wear and gear for US Military and Law Enforcement
  • USMC Style P/T Shorts from Hessen Tactical

    USMC Style P/T Shorts

    USMC P/T Shorts are styled after the Marine Corps physical training shorts and are designed for rugged military style running. This running short is cut to a small 2.25 inches inseam for the serious runner looking for a true training fundamental. The...

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  • Ranger Style P/T Shorts from Hessen Tactical

    Ranger Style P/T Shorts

    Ranger P/T Shorts are styled after the US Army Ranger physical training shorts and are designed for rugged military style running. This running short is cut to a small 2.25 inches inseam for the serious runner looking for a true training fundamental. The...

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  • Army Physical Training Shorts from Hessen Tactical Army Physical Training Shorts from Hessen Tactical

    Army Physical Training Shorts

    Army Physical Training Shorts were designed after the new APFU (Army Physical Fitness Uniform) optional wear regulations. The Army PT Shorts feature enhanced performance fabrics that are both moisture wicking and breathable, designed with the athlete...

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  • Army Physical Training Shirt from Hessen Tactical Army Physical Training Shirt from Hessen Tactical

    Army Physical Training Shirt

    Lightweight and Comfortable. Army PT Shirt is a new and improved version of the traditional military physical training uniforms. The Army PT Shirt is constructed of a Nylon/Spandex performance material that is breathable and moisture wicking. Gold...

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